As I was looking through the photos on my camera I realized that I never showed you this cute little succulent toy truck planter project I did over the Summer. It was around the same time I made the other succulents planters and I ended up splitting a lot of the same plants into this planter as well.
I never felt like throwing away this well loved Tonka truck, a hand me down from a friend, even after my kiddos grew past the age of playing with it. It would resurface from the storage whenever a little boy would come to visit but then again retire to the storage bin once they leave. All along I knew that there was some big purpose meant for this yellow beauty. Finally it was time!
I upcycled an old tupper ware container into a planter by drilling a few holes in the bottom and used a take out container lid as the planter tray, both of which fit perfectly into the back of the truck.
I left some spaces in between the plants for them to grow and fill in and added some rocks for interest in these empty spots.
So far a month into planting the plants are pretty much staying the same. Hoping that they will eventually fill out.
Will keep you posted on the progress.
Did your kids play with one of these trucks? Have you recycled any of your kids’ old toys into planters or some other home decor?
Don’t forget to check out my other succulent planters
Strawberry Pot Succulent Planter
How to Get Succulents for Cheap
GREAT idea. Now only if my toddler let me take his dump truck for this project 😉
I’ll wait for few more years just to be on the safer side. ahem..